Home Authors Articles by Martin Morin '17

Martin Morin '17


Final day on the island…

Today started off with giant donuts that Doc brought to our cabin for breakfast. We then got on the taxi and made our way to our service site where we would be cleaning the beach of all plastics and debris. The beach was located right in front of the water desalination plant, so they wanted the beach and water...

Day 5 on the island

We woke up today at 6:30 and ate breakfast at 7:15 at one of the cabins as usual. We then took the taxi to the marina and headed out to dive the famous RMS Rhone that sunk in 1867. It is famous because it was one of the first ships to be declared "unsinkable" just like the Titanic... Anyone...

Day 4 on the island

Wow time flys fast, it's already Friday and we only have one more full day of diving. This morning started off with breakfast as usual with one cabin setting up the meal. I had the usual, Frosted Flakes, a honey bun and some juice. We talked about the expectation of the day which was to finish our project dives...

Day 3 on the island

Today started off by waking up at 6:30 and eating breakfast in the Mango cabin. After breakfast was over, we headed down to the wifi room for a quick introduction and presentation of turtles and turtle tagging by Dr. Shannon Gore. We learned the migration patterns of sea turtles, such as where they are born, where they mate, and...

Day 2 on the island

Today started off with breakfast at the "almighty" Doc Gruninger's cabin. I knew today was going to be a good one after I had a cup of coffee and some eggs. We got on the boats and made our way out to Ginger Island for our first project dive. Bryce Ozier, Clay Walters and I swam around the bottom...

Day 1 on the island 

Today we started out a little early considering our cabin consisting of Clay Walters, Bryce Ozier, William Name, Henry Droese and myself stayed up till midnight throwing the frisbee around the cabin and talking about what we wanted to do for the week and how excited we are. We arrived at Yacht Harbor and ate breakfast at the restaurant,...

First post – Cole Morin

Hi! My name is Cole Morin and I am going to be a senior in Marine Biology 2 this year. I'm very excited about this year's trip to the BVI, and I cannot wait to go back!

Final Day – Cole Morin

Today was our last day living in paradise, and I will be extremely sad to have to leave tomorrow. Part of the day is dedicated to service and the other is a relaxation time. Our service site was on the shoreline where a big sailboat had gone astray off a mooring ball, and ran ashore. We collected all the...

Day 5 – Cole Morin

Today was our last day that we got in the water to dive. It started with team Sea Dragon going to the coral nursery to clean the coral trees. We were supposed to go and clean off the algae and gunk that had collected on the trees in the past week. The trees had five branches and held ten...