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Vincent Miranda '17


Vincent Miranda Day 6

Today was our last day of adventure in the British Virgin Islands, and to begin the end we started with our shortened day of service. To kick it off we went down to the Marina and walked along the beach where we found ourselves diving into the deep blue in order to snorkel over to the wreck site of...

Vincent Miranda Day 5

Our day began with the usual alarm and breakfast cooked by our gracious chaperones and a trip down to marina for our last dives in the British Virgin Islands. While the other dive boat and their crew had to attend to pressing business involving their projects our boat had a grand day with music and incredible experiences. Our first...

Vincent Miranda Day 4

Today the quest for marine life continued while the Marine Biology-2 guys went to Nacker Island to check out the various mammals residing there and us Marine Biology-1 guys went out to study a plethora of invertebrates. The shallow reef where we dived was absolutely incredible and the snorkel consisted entirely of us searching for invertebrates in the various...

Vincent Miranda Day 4

Today the quest for marine life continued while the Marine Biology-2 guys went to Nacker Island to check out the various mammals residing there and us Marine Biology-1 guys went out to study a plethora of invertebrates. The shallow reef where we dived was absolutely incredible and the snorkel consisted entirely of us searching for invertebrates in the various...

Vincent Miranda Day 3 

 Today the first few dives occurred at the same location, off of the coast of Salt Island in a shipwreck from the late 1800's of luxurious steam liner named The Rhone. This 300 foot behemoth of the time has a tragic story, starting with a sudden drop of bariatric pressure in area while the Rhone traveled through the...

Vincent Miranda Day 2

Today the diving was equally as incredible as our first day, as we encountered an abundance of marine life and even ran into new creatures that we previously only imagined. Our first stop was further out than Saturday's excursion, bringing us all the way out to Ginger Island, where we descended at a location known as the ginger steps....

Vincent Miranda Day 1

This morning came as an abrupt and early snap back to reality after a long day of travel while my alarm blared and my roommate and I awoke. 6:30 wake up did not come easy, and after running out the door to breakfast I felt like I really still was asleep. All of this however was shortly made up...