Home Authors Articles by Robert Giltner '13

Robert Giltner '13


Lucky number 7

Today we began again with the article projects. We talked about grouper fish and how they are a natural biocontrol for the lionfish. We also talked about parrot fish and how they are eating more coral. We then went on to a mini project. In this project we had to repopulate a certain species of coral. We would present...

6 can be as bad as one

Today we started class with our article project. The article project is where we pick an article and lead the class in a disscussion on it. We started off with and article about butterfly fish and coralreafs lead by alec sims and kells koch. They helped explain to us about how due to coral deplition the butterfly fish are...

High 5

Todays class was a little different then others. We started out by going over a map charting exercise that helped us learn about nautical miles and to use longitude and latitude. Did you know that a nautical mile is longer than a statute (land) mile? After, we talked about last night's reading, which was about viruses in the...

Fore… Drivin 4ward

Well as always today was a hard but fun class. It started out just as usual. We went over last nights readings about how some marine life have adapted to living with little oxygen available. We then began our disscussion on currents and tides. We first began by disscussing the chemical side of how the ocean is made up....

3 times a charm!

Today in class we learned about how the tectonic plates are related to marine biology. This was interesting to me. In my mind, I had always thought of the continental land masses and the seven oceans being complete opposites. They are clearly separated today. This is where the continental drift theory, the theory that explains how...

Two down eight more to go!

Today was very interesting, we learned about numerous types of "marine biologists" such as a hydrologist, a scientist hired by a city to help check the foundation for a building project to see what types of sediments and rock lies under the projected building site and then sees if the sediments and rocks are sturdy enough to bulid on....

First day

Hi im Rob, The two things i would like to learn about marine biology are how certian environments help and hinder certian organisms and why certain organisms live in certain places My favorite marine organism is the walrus I have been diving 2 times in the past 2 years over off the coast of cozumel an island owned by mexico