Home Authors Articles by Kells Koch '13

Kells Koch '13


Day 7

Today during marine biology we had two groups present their presentations. One group covered the lion fish invasion in the Caribbean. This invasion could have some major consequences since lionfish have very few predators in the Caribbean. This allows the lionfish population to grow unchecked. We learned of one predator the lionfish have which is the grouper; however usually...

Day 6

Today during marine biology we began learning about invertabrates. One particularly important thing we learned is that invertabrates play an important role in contributing energy to the rest of the food chain. So when these invertabrates are effected by pollution and other negative factors it affects the rest of the food chain not only by reducing energy but also...

Day 5

Many things affect the study of marine biologist one big factor is light. Light determines the where the organism in the ocean live and also in some cases the concerntrations of the organisms. For example almsot all of the photosythetic organisms in the ocean will live in the top 1000 feet because the light needed for most photosythetic organism...

Day 4

For marine biologist a myriad of factors affect their research. One simple one is the difference between high and lowtide. At hightide completly different species of animals may occupy the same environment as different animals which occupy the same environment at low tide. Currents also affect the research of marine biologist because as we learned fish have sensitive responses...

Day 3

Plate techtonics would affect the research of marine biologists because plate techtonics influences the environment and therefor what lives there. One example would be that if two plates interacted and formed mountain ranges and another two plates interacted and created a trench the environments would be completely different and thus different marine life would live in those two environments...

Second Day

Today one interesting thing I learned was that for scientific data to be accepted it statistically must have less than .05 randomness or basically have a 95% chance that it is correct. Another interesting thing I learned is that usually smaller fish respond better to environmental changes. I also learned that sometimes in scientific readings it is easier to...

First Day

In this class I want to learn more about marine life and how humans influence and interact with marine life. My favorite marine animal is sea turtle. I have recently become a certified diver and so far I think that diving is really fun.