Day 3 in BVI


Amazing third day here in the BVI. We first were awoken by Mr. Kirby and Dr. G at 6:30. Joe Wengierski was dead asleep while Mr. Kirby was trying to wake him up. We then were driven to another awesome breakfast where they served bacon, eggs, potatoes, and much more. We then were taught a wonderful class by Laura and it was all about identifying fish. This class helped me out tremendously in the water. It made my dive and snorkel tons better because I actually knew and could name most of the fish I was observing. On our snorkel today in savannah bay I saw many neat fish. The reefs were absolutely beautiful. We played frisbee in the water and enjoyed the sun. Some of us enjoyed the sun a little too much while we got mild sunburns. The sunburns are not bad at all because of all the instructors reminding us to always lather up with sunscreen before each activity. After snorkeling for awhile we ate some hand-crafted sandwiches. We then learned about how different sea urchins and other invertebrates live. This was fascinating to me because I never really realized that sea urchins actually were live animals. After we had eaten lunch we then took the boat to the dog islands where we scuba dove around and through “the chimney”. The chimney was awesome; we had to really put our skills to the test as we swam through a tight crack in the chimney. I saw many new organisms there such as the golden tailed eel. I also saw another sea turtle. Sea turtles might be my favorite animal in the sea. I just love how they glide through the water using there long flippers. Once we returned to the boat we then showered up and went to a beautiful church on top of a large hill, where a beautiful view stood in front of us. The church was really nice. After mass we went down to the beach for a nice cookout. Every hung out on the beach and just had a great time. I ate a delicious burger cooked by Jeff. It was magnificent. I then enjoyed the stars and ocean by laying on a lounge chair and relaxing to the max. It was all around an awesome night. I’m super excited for our two dive day tomorrow and going through the shipwreck. It is going to be sweet.

photo credit goes to Mr. Kirby
