Day 5: Project Day


Since I forgot to talk about last night I’m going to start off talking about last night. We had dinner on the beach. Jeff cooked up some great hamburgers to consume while we look at the sunset and play frisbee on the beach. Then to finish off the night, Mr. Von told us some of his real life experience ghost stories which were very creepy. We all made sure there wasn’t anything lurking behind us on the way back to our casa. Now on to the next day. Like every other day, we woke up at 7:00 to eat breakfast. We then headed down in the marina to start our last day to scuba dive. Today we had to do all project dives so it was pretty hectic but still fun. We headed to a healthy reef to conduct our first part of our project. We set up our parameters and began out project. Once we completed that we came back to the boat, decompressed, ate a snack, and headed to our next dive site. We then had to set up our parameters at a unhealthy reef and we recorded our data. We than came back up and got ready to eat lunch. We ate sandwiches on the boat today. After we completed lunch we snorkeled to the beach to go check out a salt pond. As we headed to the salt pond, we stopped at a tree where there was a huge termite nest. We then were offered to eat one, only a couple did, supposedly they tasted like pepper. Once we arrived at the dried up salt pond due to a drought, we looked at all the little crab holes and salt in the pond. Once we finished walking around we had to have a race back to the boat in order to determine which boat got pizza first. Sadly, our boat lost so we have to watch the other boat get their pizza first. Once we got back every dive group got together and scrambled to get our project done in a 1 1/2. Luckily we completed our project in time. Our group got to go last, obviously to save the best for last. Once we gave our sarcastic tribute to our dive master Jeff, we all felt comfortable. Jeff gave me the nickname Riley Stillskin, because I fall asleep whenever I have the chance. I even fell asleep in the water, with all my scuba gear on. Jeff dogged me for a while about that one. I even faked asleep during our presentation to see what would happen. We then headed down to the beach to have our last meal(pizza) on the beach. We got to see a replica of a sea turtle coming out of the water, digging a hole, laying eggs, covering the hole, then go back to the water by my cabin mate Matt. Like usually, we had another great dance competition to watch. It was kinda sad coming back from our last dive today. I have had a great time and can’t wait to sign up next year.