Day 5


Today, we started off class with learning about the different zones in the ocean. I learned that past about 1000 m not much plant life can live because there isn’t any sunlight that reaches that deep. I also learned that there is so much to be learned about the “creatures of the deep” because we really haven’t ventured to most of the world’s deep oceans to see what all lives there.

Continuing off of the article we had to read last night, we also learned about plankton and other microorganisms in the ocean. It was amazing to learn just about how much carbon they used as a total compared to all other species. I also didn’t know that plankton was just a general category for something that couldn’t move on it’s own. For example, larval forms of octopus and sea star are also considered plankton as well as the phytoplankton which are actually able to photosynthesize underwater.

Algal bloom from space!
