The last day


Day 7:
Given the chance to sleep in, I still woke up very early because of the roosters. They started making noise around 5am and I finally decided that it was time to get up around 6. Instead of just sitting there, I went on a long run. I took a similar path that I went on a few days before but I mixed in sprinting. After my run I went to the Internet cafe to check up on everything going on back in Dallas. I sat with Mr. Golab and Chris. We talked for a while about a variety of different things, including college, jobs, etc. Around 8:30 I headed back to the cabin to get ready for the day. Casey brought us breakfast and some drinks to start our day. Afterwards, Glenn picked us up and took us over to an unused beach on the other side of Virgin Gorda. Upon first arriving we didn’t really seem to know where the beach was, but with the help of a local we were led down a path to the water. Our group collected copious amounts of random things, including surfboards, bottles, ropes, plastic (lots of it), flip flops, etc. The cleanup lasted around an hour and a half. I was left with a very rewarding feeling once I got to see the clean beach. Once again, Glenn picked us up and brought us back to Guavaberry where Mr. Kirby gave us free time until dinner to do what we pleaded. I went to the beach with a group of guys and I simply enjoyed the beautiful scenery. After getting some sun, I headed back to my room, showered, and got ready for dinner. To begin, dinner was amazing. We got to the restaurant and picked our seats. I got Guavaberry juice which was very tasty. Dinner consisted of salad, chicken, ribs, and fish. After dinner, Casey presented us with a slideshow which contained pictures and videos of the week, I loved it. Once that was over we talked and got some desert. While there were many people who got emotional, I did not feel as sad as I thought I would because I hope to come back next summer to do the dive-master internship. Knowing that was comforting and it gives me something exciting to look forward to. So until next time, which hopefully will be next summer, goodnight.

Jack Kelley