Article Discussions


Group C’s article was about ecotourism, a subject that I previously knew little about. But after their presentation, it is clear that ecotourism is helpful to native people that make a living off of it, but detrimental to the environment as some species may die off. Group D’s article was about the implanting of species that are not naturally in a habitat, for example the lion fish thriving in the BVI’s when it’s natural habitat is in the Pacific. Species alien to some habitats, like the lion fish is alien to the Caribbean, can interfere with the natural food chain and the marine environment. Group E’s article was about oil spills. From their discussion, I learned that smaller chronic oil spills can be more harmful than large oil spills, like the BP oil spill, mainly because the smaller ones do not always get media attention and do not always get cleaned up. Group F talked about artificial reefs. Artificial reefs are good because they tend to bring in more diverse species of fish and they are easier to make than growing coral.