Friday in BVI


Today started unlike any other day, with sideways rain. It set a somewhat somber mood; we had to close the shutters to keep the rain out. It’s not that I dislike the rain, but the images that the rain invokes are generally negative, stifling my otherwise cheery disposition. I was also bummed that I had finished my book the night before because I simply didn’t want the book to end; that may have contributed to the mood as well. I started a new book but I wasn’t fully emerged into the story because I was still pondering over the previous book. Eventually, we made our way over to the dive shop for breakfast, a first for the dive shop most probably, and then headed off to our dive site. We found something incredible at our dive stop, jellyfish! Moon jellyfish and almond jellyfish I believe, and they were everywhere! It was fantastic to watch. We went on our fun dive and I enjoyed thr new dive spot; it was a different terrain with some new creatures such as the porcupine fish. We surfaced and waited 40 minutes, most of which I spent attempting to get an artistic photograph of a jellyfish. We then went for our transect lines in which I recorded the algae level, the amount of brain, elkhorn, and fire coral, and how much bleaching there was. While I waited before and after my job I snorkled around trying to get that photo. Hopefully I succeeded. We then drove back for lunch and we did our final exam. Our question was about algae, which I answered but I also drew a super sweet jellyfish (looked like a box jellyfish). We then regourped and waited to go to maddogs for dinner. My dinner was awesome. My mind was off today, no deep thoughts although I am very thankful to be here in the BVI and I’m thankful that the dive BVI staff have been so helpful and hardworking.
