Day 12: Diving and Dining?


The day started out with Doc waking us up, haha, he is such a fun and playful person. Then it got real, Doc told us to wake up everyone the next day, darn; less sleep for Brody :(. After that I took a long breath of morning air. I looked at this world, who am I, why am I so good at life?

After that I went into the bathroom and stared at my reflection in the mirror for a solid hour, I asked myself questions like: do people like me for me, I or this shell they all seem to laugh with?

On my way down to the taxi I looked at the beauty of the mystical Land of Gorda, and took another breath of morning air, ahhhh, thats refreshing.

I had finally made it to the taxi, I was late, and yelled at. On the outside I laughed but in the inside I cried.

Today was all about fish identification with Andrew. We went over all the types of fish, my favorite fish was the trumpet fish, for some reason it just looked funny to me. However the most interesting fish was the parrot fish, not only did it feed on the algae on top of the coral but it was the most beautiful fish that I had ever seen. In this discussion with Andrew we learned how to identify species that looked alike, for example the difference between a Hawksbill sea turtle and a Green one is that a hawksbill turtle has a beak and is darker.

After this discussion we went to our dive site it was beautiful. On this dive I taped my foot up real nice so it would not get wet. It worked out real nice. On this dive I saw my favorite fish, the trumpet fish. Most importantly in this dive we saw many types of coral, we saw the coral that had diseases, for example the fire coral had white rings on it, but not on the top.

In general the day was great,
Brody McClure over and out.
