Day Eight


Today’s class dove right into discussion about the Indonesian Mimic Octopus. My classmates, Rob and Nick, talked to us about how these octopi can change their shape and color to mimic other species. It’s top layer of skin is transparent which allows for it to change color. It is able to mimic lion fish, flounders, and sea snakes. This allows for a better understanding on the wonders of certain species and the effect they have on other species. Then, Harrison and David took us through a talk on ecotourism and chumming of the Carcharodon carcharias, or great white sharks. This species is the last of its genus. This helps to have an understanding of how human interaction with marine animals can affect how they live life. Some sharks will get used to seeing boats and approach it to get a closer look, or wait for food. This interferes with natural selection and cause sharks’ adaptation to threats around them to slow down. After this, we dissected a perch fish and learned about what the different parts of it’s body are used for including the purpose of all 5 fins. We ended class with a partial dissection of a dogshark, which we will continue tomorrow. Marine biology is a swell time every time!
