Marine Bio Day 9


Today marked the second to last day of class at Jesuit. We started things off today by talking about the British Virgin Islands and briefly touched on our itinerary for the week there. After discussing the itinerary we headed over to the lab and finished dissecting our dogfish shark. Will and I mainly just worked on cutting open the skull and inspected the brain. When we we were all finished cleaning up the lab we headed back to the classroom and began discussing the two articles that were assigned. The first article we discussed was presented by Sean and Arturo and it was about echolocation in dolphins. This article was about how the dolphins use sonar and make clicks to zone in on their prey. The closer the dolphin gets to the prey the faster it clicks per second. The second article we discussed was about the effect warm water has on coral. We spent quite some time discussing how warmer water indeed does affect the corals. Finally, we ended class by talking about a group activity that involved each table to present a topic assigned. My topic was marine plants and it something that is very important to the marine life.
