Day 4

Today we woke up at around 7:30 and got ready until eight fifteen. We all started the trek to Mr. Kirby's and Docs place and arrived at around 8:15. We had a breakfast buffet waiting for us consisting of assorted fruits, honey buns, Quaker oat bars, and several different types of bread. We all ate a heart breakfast and...

Day 4

Waking up at 8 am, a welcoming change, we begin our day with a quick lunch here. After, we continue with our day. Half of use go to tag sea turtles and the other go learn about invertebrates. I went turtle tagging, perhaps one of the most interesting things I've done in my life. Joel the marine...

Day 5 in the BVI

Today's morning was a little better than the past mornings. I was able to sleep and hour later till 8 and that sleep was amazing. Diving all day yesterday wiped me out. We ate breakfast at the teachers cabin and then headed down to the marina where we met Joel, a government official for the commercial fisheries department who...

Turtle Tagging

Today, turtle taging was our big project. Our group caught a Hawksbill sea turtle, and almost caught a Green sea turtle. When we were out there, some people held onto ropes tied to the boat looking for turtles while some stayed on the boat to help spot turtles. After the turtle was caught and brought aboard the ship, we...

BVI Day 4

Late last night we did a night snorkel on the beach. I was not the biggest fan of the two previous snorkels but this one was so cool. We carried around led flashlights and snorkeled around the beach and I found so many cool things. A few of them were lobsters, jelly fish, squid and sting rays. The sting...

Day 4 BVI

Day 4 Today we woke up an hour later than normal, thank the stars, so we could go to Doc, Mrs. Boyle, and Mr. Kirby's hut for some breakfast. Casey and another dove BVI member brought us the closest thing to home food we could get: wrapped bars, apple juice, yogurt, and honey buns. We want back to our cabin...

Marine Biology Blog- Day 4

Day 4: Today was different as there was no diving. We started the day with breakfast later than usual and we split off for the day. My group went to the other side of the island while the other group went turtle tagging. For the first half of the day, we were on the beach examining different invertebrates the...

BVI day 5

Today was a late wake up at 8 with breakfast served no more than about 100 yards from our house. Being the second furthest house away from the main road this morning was quite exciting. Breakfast was an assortment of fruit with other items. We split duties in the morning then switched for the afternoon. The Sea Monkey boat...

Day Four BVI

Today I woke up and I got dressed just in some athletic shorts and tennis shoes. Joseph and I worked out on my porch for about 45 minutes and then I took a shower and got back in book and read a book until I thought it was time to wake the other guys up for breakfast. Unfortunately, I...