Day 1 in the BVI

Day 1 Finally back again in Virgin Gorda. Last night after a long day of travel, travel that included two flight delays, we arrived at the always lovely Guavaberry Resort. We were assigned to our rooms and I returned to the cottage "Plum Tree" with fellow Marine 2 guys Tucker Reed, Joe Wengierski, and Guy Harris. The rookie Nick Byrne...

Days 5 and 6 in the BVI

Day 5 and 6 Great last two days in the BVI. Yesterday, the day started with an early morning rise as usual. We had breakfast at the Marina in Casey's office which consisted of bagels, cereal, and fruit. After that, we headed toward the boats and assembled our gear. We also loaded the cinder blocks onto the boat which would...

Day 3

Today began as a déjà vu, with an early morning and a light breakfast here at Guavaberry. While we ate our breakfast, Doctor Shannon Gore talked to both classes about sea turtles. She went over the types, nesting areas, threats, and techniques we can use to catch them. When she finished, everyone got there stuff, loaded up into the...

Day 2 in the BVI

Another bright and early morning, another wake up call from Doc, and another beginning to a wonderful BVI day. After starting the day off with a fresh shave, an overwhelming hunger came about my person. We took a short walk to the main office of Guavaberry Hotel, where we met Casey for breakfast --donuts the size of...

Another Wreck Dive

Today was another early start. We began the day with, yet again, another early morning. We took a taxi to the marina where we enjoyed another great breakfast. After breakfast we hopped on the boat immediately to head over toward Cooper Island. Our first dive at Cooper Island was Wreck Alley, which includes four purposely sunk ships. We...

The reasons why: Week One

I couldn't sign up fast enough for marine biology two. What better way to combine my love for the natural world with the knowledge and learning of Jesuit Biology class? There is none. I wholeheartedly plan on taking full advantage of this excellent trip. This week I solidified my core coral knowledge, realized that Mr. Kirby and Doc are both...

Day 2 BVI – Round 2

Today I woke up at around 7 and took a nice shower before we had to head down to the internet cafe for breakfast. We were treated to a nice breakfast by Casey before we took our boat, the Sea Dragon, over to Deep Bay for a snorkel. At Deep Bay, we explored the mangroves system and mapped the...

Day 1 BVI – Round 2

Back in the BVI... We started out waking up early to a great breakfast at Olde Yard, followed by a presentation by Laura on fish habitats and fish identification. After the presentation, Casey gave us a big surprise. Dive BVI granted all of the marine biology 2 students DC1400 underwater cameras. We will be using these cameras for the...

Nights 1 and 2

After sleeping for a solid 30 minutes before waking up for my flight at 5:45 I was really not well-rested and was really hungry. Julian gave me his Pringles. We had a flight from Dallas to Miami, a 2 hour layover and another flight with another 3 hour layover and then a third flight from San Juan to Beef...