Deep dive and coral re-plantation

Today was another fascinating day. Today we woke up as usual and went to breakfast. We enjoyed a nice quick and light breakfast in preparation for our awesome day. We had a long day in front of us and needed a quick breakfast. Casey prepared the perfect platter of fruit and cereal. Following breakfast we...

Week 1 Summer School (MB2)

I signed up for Marine Biology 2 because I could not help but come back to the British Virgin Islands after my breathtaking trip last summer. I'm looking forward to partaking in another adventure with Dive BVI in the Islands again this summer, and tracking the growth of the coral we planted last summer. However, this week, preparing for...

Day 4 in the BVI

Day 4 Great fourth day in the BVI. Instead of the roosters waking me up this morning, I awoke to the sound of Mr. Kirby knocking on our cottage door. We were all exhausted and had a great sleep. Quick showers ensued with very little dialogue within the cabin as everyone was still tired. We headed down to the...

Day 2: Fish Metal Jacket

This is my lion tamer. There are many like it, but this one is mine. In fact, this 6-headed spear, or "hunting gig", is my weapon of choice this week as I perpetuate my campaign against the heinous threat to the Caribbean that is the lionfish. I made my first spear today when I was alerted to the existence...

Mb 2: Week 1

I signed up for marine biology two for many reasons. I signed up because I learned so much last year and had a good time on the trip. I look forward to learning more this summer and going on another amazing trip with my class. This week started by learning about coral which included making a psa video about...

Day 4

Today I was awakened by the sharp cockadoodledoo of a native BVI rooster at the crack of dawn. We quickly packed our bags and were off to the docks where we were fed a light breakfast that consisted of cereal, poptarts, and fruit. After our early morning meal, we boarded our boat and were off to our dive...

Day 3 in BVI

Man oh man was this morning early. I'm almost sure I didn't sleep more than a few minutes. Anyway, after a nice breakfast and a very well done presentation from Dr. Shannon Gore on sea turtles, we packed up and headed out to try and tag some ourselves. In the presentation Dr. Gore mentioned how over time sea...

Eventful day 3 on the island

Once again woken up around 7:30, but this time by Mr Kirby. I was experiencing a tremendous sleep, so I was frustrated to have to awake, but once I remembered that today we would be diving in and snatching turtles I was ready to go. Once again we were treated to a nice quick breakfast. We...

Night Snorkeling and Lionfish Executions

Day 5: Yesterday morning (we didn't have time to write a blog yesterday) we got up and took a trip to the marina where we had breakfast at Casey's office and hung around the marina until it was time to go. We started to move our dried cement blocks to the boat for the artificial reef plant. The trip to...