Home Authors Articles by Alec Sellick '13

Alec Sellick '13


Marine Biology Day 7

Today in class we learned about lion fish biocontroling methods, growing coral, and about coral polyps. Scientists have studied that large grouper fish are an effective way to control lion fish invasions. To grow coral effectively, you need sunlight, algae, and clear, warm water. And finally, coral polyps reproduce asexually and build up the coral reefs. These topics are...

Marine Biology- Day 6

Today in class, we learned about butterfly fish eating coral, invertebrates, and squid. The butterfly fish eat polups on coral, which break down the coral which are home to some fish such as the clown fish. Invertebrates are organisms that do not have a spinal column, and they play a major role in the ocean. Squid are invertebrates in...

Marine Biology- day 5

Today in class we learned about oceanic levels, organisms, and the role of viruses in the water. The levels in the ocean arearranged based on depth and amount of life. Photosynthetic organisms live near the suface because there is more sunlight for the organisms to convert into energy. The other organisms will live deeper in the water. Secondly, we...

Marine biology- day 4

Today in class we learned about global warming and tides. Global warming is when the earth releases energy and greenhouse gases in our atmosphere insulate this energy, thus warming the earth. Global cooling is where the earth absorbes more energy than it releases. This cools the earth because there is less energy for the greenhouse gases to capture. This...

Marine Biology- day 3

Today we learned about the layers of the Earth and how they relate toplate tectonics. The inner core is as hot as the sun, the outer core is flowing metal, and the mantle holds up the crust. Plate tectonics is the theory that pangea split into 7 continents due to the movement of pates. This relates to marine...

Marine Biology- day 2

Today I learned many new things about marine biology. First, I learned that warmer water forces certain species of fish in the North Sea to migrate north. Secondly, I learned that there is no true definition of a marine biologist, but they can study many fields. Lastly, I learned that a marine physicist studies how movements of organisms can...

First day marine biology 6/20/11

The two things I want to learn in this class is how the coral reefs co-exist and how humans affect marine life. My favorite marine organism is a dolphin. I am excited to dive because of the crystal clear water in the Virgin Islands and to see new marine life.