Home Authors Articles by Harrison Ainsworth '12

Harrison Ainsworth '12


Marine Biology Day 6

Today we did two main things. We started with the articles that were presented by other classmates. The first paper was on Butterflyfish and their effect on coral. This paper, while producing results, didn't seem to have much significance in how their research helps solve the problem or what it means. The second article was very interesting, highlighting the...

Marine Biology Day 5

Today we learned about the different layers of the ocean. I found this interesting firstly because it just begins to show the gargantuan size of the ocean; the uppermost layer spanning 2,000 m (6, 561 ft). While Mr. Kirby explained this to us, I was thinking about the organisms that inhabited/hunted in these areas, specifically the whales. I know...

Marine Biology Day 4

Today we focused on the chemical composition of seas water, climate change, tides, currents, and waves. I think that this lesson is one of the most important lessons of all when discussing marine ecosystems because it truly ties in to the ecological aspect of the ocean seeing as all the factors above directly affect marine life. When thinking about...

Marine Biology Day 3

Today we talked about a lot of things, starting with the origin of life. I find this topic particularly interesting and I stated my belief that life started in the sea. For me, it simply makes sense because the one of the first examples of terrestrial life, according to the fossil record, was the Markuelia 500 million years ago during...

Marine biology day 2

I found the process of scientific method interesting because as Dr. gruninger revealed it's less linear than I had intially thought. This was relieving becuause I'm not very linear at all in my thinking and this gives me hope. Another interesting thing was the vast amount of specializations within the marine biology field. Finally I had underestimated the importance of marine...

First day Marine Biology – Harrison Ainsworth

Two things I want to learn: The Ecological impact of the lionfish, and learning about the specific human impacts on the reef and how to lessen them. Favourite marine organism: Great White Shark, Carcharodon Carcharias. Diving experience: I have swam with sea turtles and visited a small reef off Hawaii.