Turtles, Turtles, and More Turtles: Deluxe Edition

The day began similarly to yesterday in that we didn't have to wake up to the sound of a rooster. We then went back to the main building to have doughnuts that could have passed for tires. During breakfast, Dr. Gore came to give a presentation over turtles and the importance of the tagging. We then split into boat...

Goodnight from Virgin Gorda

We had such as busy day today that everyone went to bed before posting blogs. From coral replanting to night snorkeling, we did it all. They will be back tomorrow night to update you and include some pictures! Tomorrow is a 2 tank dive on the RMS Rhone - an annual favorite!

Diving in The Ginger’s Backside

We woke up this morning, refreshed and ready for another day of scuba diving. We awoke a tad later then everyone and quickly gathered our gear, but we were the last cabin to the cattle guard, where we meet daily. From there, we walked to the Internet café where we ate a breakfast of cereal and banana bread. We...

Day 5

Today I slept in as long as I could because I was so exhausted. I hit my snooze button on my iPad at least 3 times. When I finally got up, I packed my bag and headed to the entrance where everyone else was waiting for the taxi. We got a ride and went to the marina for breakfast....

Seeing a Turtle is Like Hugging Them with Your Eyes

So I think yesterday was my sisters birthday, and before I write my blog, I need to say Happy Birthday! Hope I got the day right this time, even if I was late in saying anything. Now back to me. Waking up this morning went way better than yesterday, since I know everyone reading was waiting to find out. But...

BVI day two

After a night of successful blogging we settled down for bed and fell asleep. The next day came quickly especially since I didn't wake up until 5 min before we had to leave. Although I cut it close, I grabbed all my gear and made it on time to head up to the baths. The baths are these big...


Today we woke up and pretty immediately made our way down to the Internet cafe for a breakfast of massive donuts and an introduction to turtle snagging from Dr. Gore. We learned about their migration patterns as well as some of the history of "turtleology" (I'm told that's the technical term). After that, the group split up into our...

Joe Ponder

I decided that I wanted to take this course because I am interested in marine biology. I like learning about the ocean and the marine life in it. I have been diving for 5 years now and the places I have dived are Mexico(Cozumel and Cancun), Puerto Rico, and Belize. I look forward to getting in the water and...

Jack Kelley

1. Why this class? I chose this class because I have always been very interested in Biology. Marine biology seemed like a very interesting way to learn more not only about biology but a more specific section of it. I have always loved the ocean and the creatures that live within it which is also another major reason. 2. Diving...