Blog Day 5


 Awakening from a dream, where it started to snow here, but it was not able to stick to the ground because it was too hot. Also, I was deeply saddened by the recent loss of Doug Kermit. Morning consisted of the same ritual except for breakfast was at my house. When we got to the dive site, I learned it was the wreck of a ship that was at Pearl Harbor. The boat was one of a handful that survived the bombing. The ship was used as an oil barge for the ships. After it was abandoned, someone decided to sink it, but wanted to add something to make it more exciting. They had an artist build a massive metal octopus. The octopus sits on the stern of the boat and allows coral to grow on it and people to swim through it. We were allowed to go through the ship and one of the ships had a phone in it. The phone had a curly wire and I was confused as to what the purpose of what it was. I pretended to call my house phone, but it did not work. There also was a smashed HP laptop in the room. I tried to pull up Google, but again, it did not work. After that dive, we went to the coral nursery. We were told to clean off the coral and the PVC from the algae. We stayed down for about an hour because we were able to at 20 feet. Because it was so long, I quickly became very cold because of the fact that we lose heat in water faster than an air. The lack of motion based on the necessary precautions to protect the coral caused me to to lose even more heat. We had to be very careful with the coral and incase there was any fire coral, and to prevent accidental breaks. After the second dive, we went to a mangrove and had a delicious lunch. I had three ham and cheese sandwiches. Then, we snorkeled around the mangrove. Matthew and I saw many sea anemones, a sea cucumber, and many upside down jellyfish. Many of the other people were attacked by the jelly fish. Tyler was screaming in pain, but he kept the snorkel in his mouth. I’m almost positive that that was the funniest sound I’ve ever heard. 

-Jack Bausbacher