Blog Day One


Today was the first day on the island Virgin Gorda. We woke up early to eat breakfast which consisted of cereal eggs and milk. Afterwards, we headed on the boat ‘Sea Monkey.’ After a 20 minute ride, we arrived at the first dive site, Bronco Billy. We then received a 10 minute briefing in which the dive master explained that we would be doing some skills to demonstrate that we know how to dive. We did the skills, then explored the coral. I spotted a brown spotted moray. After this dive we switched tanks and explored a new area. The new area was called dog island. Our instructor told us the story as to why it’s called Dog Island, which involves the now extinct Caribbean Monk Seals. The Seals were able to imitate a barking sound which sounds like a dog. This dive was less eventful, but we did see a sea turtle and a barracuda. We then had lunch and went to mass at 5:30. Nice day, light rain. I set up my hammock, but it was hot out and there were mosquitoes so I slept inside.