Day 4 


I was exhausted from last night so I didn’t wake up till around 7:30 and I usually wake up around 5. Had a good breakfast and then got straight to learning about turtles. We were given a presentation where we learned about how in some areas turtles are endangered and in some they are not. We also learned about the organizations that try and conserve turtles and tag them to gain information on their travel and mating patterns. After the presentation we went straight to Savannah bay to catch some invertebrates and I didn’t have any luck catching any. However I did get to touch 2 sea urchins and a sea slug which was pretty fun. After failing in that facet we went to mount trump to look for some tutrltes to tag. No luck :(. Nobody even saw one. We then power snorkeled over to little dix and Zoltan was driving incredibly fast. Again no luck :(. I didn’t even get to see a turtle but a few of my peers came close to catching one. After all that failure we came back to work on our project which was an undisputed success because we are already done and ready to present. I look forward to the wreck site tomorrow and the mangrove snorkel.

mount trump, little dix.