Blog Day 4 (7/18/17)


What an interesting day. It began with us looking for invertebrates while snorkeling in Savannah Bay, which we didn’t really manage to catch or find. However, the dive instructors, Becca and Tara, had invertebrates ready in a plastic tub. The coolest one was a Sea Egg Sea urchin, which sucked onto your hand and gripped you strongly when you held it. We then went to lunch and ate one of the most delicious meals I’ve had so far. After that we went to try to catch and tag a sea turtle, which ended up being a bust. All of our group in total only saw about 4 turtles, and we weren’t able to catch any either. We went to Mount Trunk first to look for sea turtles in the water and then were pulled behind the boat using tow ropes (and I thought I was about to die) all the way to Little Dix Bay. Like I said earlier we didn’t have any success but we did have a good time looking around. We saw mostly green sea turtles and possibly one or two loggerheads. After this we went back to our houses and took a well needed rest. We then came down to work on our projects and eat. Our project is about the relationship between algae and coral reef health, in which we seemed to find that coral reefs with more algae were generally less healthy than those without abundant algae. Tomorrow we will be exploring a ship wreck on a dive and I hope to be able to go through the actual wreck itself. I’m not sure what else is planned for tomorrow, but we also aim to finish our project since we are really close.