Day 6


Day 6: today everyone got a 15 minute extension on our breakfast, so we were able to get up a little later. We all went to jasmine for breakfast and we had donuts which were a specialty. After breakfast we headed back to our cabins to get ready for the rest of the day which consisted of service and hanging out next to the yatch club. After getting our bathing suits on and throwing on our scuba shoes we headed out to the water processing plant. We got there and spent awhile cleaning up various trash mainly consisting of fishing wire and rope. I spent the better part of 2 1/2 hours doing this with my friends and making the beach a better place. After the 2 1/2 hours were up we headed to the yatch club to eat and shop at the dive shop. I bought 2 hats with the 50$ I got from winning the beach games and got the free hat also. After shopping we went to the restaurant in the yatch club. I ordered a cheeseburger and split a shrimp and crab wrap with Jim. Afterwards we went back to guava berry to get ready to present our project. My group rehearsed the parts we were going to say and were as prepared as we could be. The presentation was smooth and easy and we all felt like we did well. Afterwards I went to the beach with the rest of the guys and played frisbee in the water and chilled on the beach for the last time.  It was a good last day