Good day it was today


I was woke up by Kyle today, ’twas interesting. When I woke up i got everything I needed for the day which was sunblock, mask snorkels and fins. Anyways my cabin and I were the last ones to get to the cattle guard, where everyone would meet. Then we went to breakfast and that was delicious, had some banana bread and fruit loops. After breakfast we got a taxi and went to the baths. The baths are basically just gigantic rocks on the ocean shore. There was also I very cool walk through it, I had to climb, duck, and swim a little. When everyone walked around the baths our guides, Caitlin, Mem, and Sarah, told us the the history of it. I thought it was fun and interesting. After that little adventure we got into the water. I put my snorkeling equipment on and started swimming with everyone. I shall some crazy thing, I spotted a stingray which was pretty cool and there was a lot of fire coral. After that we got to relax on the beach and eat some lunch. We threw the frisbee some and swam. Then I taxi took us to the docks where I got prepared to go dive. We got to the dive site called ginger’s back side. At gingers back side there was a lot of rocks with coral on it and a ton of marine life. After the dive we went to mad dogs again and had some wraps, potato salad, and pasta salad. Now I’m typing this.
