blog #2 (day 3)


I awoke this morning to the harsh sting of my roommate’s hand slapping my leg. I quickly shit up from my sleep, because I knew I must have slept through the night like a rock. Soon after my roommates, Garrett Buckley and Chris Ayres and I went to the cattle guard meeting spot at the foot of the hill. As our group of 19 marine biologists and 3 teachers gathered to go to breakfast, I enjoyed a nice game of frisbee. Our hostess, Casey, greeted us with a delicious breakfast of toast, banana bread(my favorite), yogurt, cereal, and fresh fruit. At breakfast we met our new instructor, Sarah, who was very eager about our walkthrough and snorkel through the baths. The baths was a large continuous rock formation created by volcanic activity beneath the islands. Over time the rock formation was eroded by wind, water, and salt to form a series of rocks that we were able to climb through today. We snorkeled from the baths to a nearby beach where team captain Caitlin gave an informative talk about fish identification and where everyone enjoyed another nice game of frisbee. Soon after lunch our second dive of our time here came. The location, named ginger’s backside, has a simple decline starting from the beach and ending at a drop off. During the dive I was able to identify a fish as a horse eye jackfish from Caitlin’s fish talk. Once the dive concluded and we made it back to huts, we walked to mad dogs and enjoyed a nice meal and another game of frisbee, bringing the total time of frisbee playing to roughly 2 and a half hours.
