Day 1


Traveling day went smoothly with only one hiccup in the form of a two hour delay in Miami. But today began with an early morning in the old yard. At the old yard we were fed breakfast, and briefly went over some guidelines for the week. We continued our early morning with introducing everyone, going over our schedule for be week, and went over the common fish of the BVI and how to identify them. Then after eating lunch, we loaded back up into the taxi and headed down into the docks where we briefly reviewed BCD set up. After setting up our BCDs, we loaded them and promptly set out to our diving destination. We then got on our gear and got into the water. My dive buddy was Guy and our dive guide was the one and only Casey Mcnutt. After descending to the ocean floor, we went over some basics diving techniques which include regulator recovery, and mask clearing. After showing that we retained our diving skills from last year, we scoured the ocean floor observing all that it had to offer. After quickly blowing through my oxygen we headed back to the boat where we encountered a squadron of squid while ascending to home base which we refer to as the boat. Once everyone was back on the boat, we headed back to the dock. Once everyone cleared the boat, we packed into our taxi and headed back to guavaberry, where we showered and got ready for a diner at mad dogs. At mad dogs, we had pizza which was followed with some tossing of the frisbee and football. After that, we received awesome underwater cameras, which Jeff and Casey helped us set up. I cannot be more grateful for the generosity of the BVI staff. Overall day 1 was a good day and a great way to start off the week of fun.ImageImage