Day 4 BVI


Today was another great day on the island. In the morning we went straight to the marina and ate breakfast there. It was nice because then we could just get straight to diving. After eating we went to a dive site called the Rhone. This was a ship that sank in 1867. The ship was in the middle of a hurricane so it was unable to to know where it was moving. Although it is unfortunate for the casualties that occurred in this wreck, it provides such a great place to dive. In the dive I was able to rub the glass of a passenger’s room that survived. Because I did this I am supposed to get good luck. What made the Rhone so cool to me was that we went through a part of the ship that we could fit through. Since it was dark inside the ship I used an underwater flash light to see the dark areas. On the second dive we still were at the Rhone we just dove around a different site. This was really cool because I was also able to swim through the anchor. There was so much interesting things to see because of all of the great coral around me. The squirrel fish were very interesting in the dark places that the ship wreck covered. After the dive we went to coper island to have lunch. The lunch was great because we had fish and chips and we got to have a tour of how the hotel uses it energy sources. I was really interested in how the hotel uses solar panels and recycles it water. After having this tour we went on this long snorkel. On the snorkel I saw five barracudas and a lot of sea grass. After going to cooper island and having lunch I went back to my room with joe and Christian to get ready for dinner. After and hour and a half we went down to the cattle guard at the bottom of the hill to meet up with the rest of the group. We had dinner at mad dogs again and we had lasagna that was very good, followed by a cookies and cream sundae. We played corn toss again also but Jeff and I lost immediately. I am looking forward to planting coral tomorrow with my dive buddy Chris.
