First day of BVI blog



After the long flight last night, I woke up tired at 6:30 this morning to the awesome view you see above. I quickly got ready and went down to the street to go to breakfast. There, we met our guides. They introduced us to life on the island. We then went through a fairly routine lecture about coral transplanting, but it was very interesting because we are actually going to do it this week. We also learned about this artificial reef where they dropped sculptures of people into the ocean, and coral grew on top of them. It was really cool and is something I would like to see in the future. Then we ate lunch and swam in the pool before actually going diving. The dive was awesome. It was a little awkward at first because I haven’t dove in a while, but it was by far cooler than the lake dives. I saw so many amazing fish, more than I would have ever expected. But my favorite part was when Jeff, one of the guides, shot a lionfish and fed it to an eel (don’t worry, because lionfish are an invasive species). Then we got out of the water and went and ate dinner.