

From the first group, group C, I learned about the negative effects of ecotourism. I learned about how humans in marine environments is not good for it. The humans are destroying the environment by hunting and they are very hypocritical about protecting the environment.

From the second group, D, I learned about the harms of invasive alien species on marine environment. The animals are transported through the bilge of a ship of other parts they can attach to. These animals deplete resources in the environment they invade.

From the third group, my group, I learned about the true harms of chronic oil spills. I learned they are hard to detect and they kill thousands of marine animals each winter.

From the last group, group E, I learned about artificial reefs versus natural reefs. I learned more fish over a period of time want to live in the artificial reef instead of the natural reefs. Natural reefs are made of Coral. Artificial reefs are man made.