Day 8 Article Reflection


Today we heard from four different articles concerning a wide variety of topics. First was my groups topic of ecotourism, a flourishing industry that brings people into natural places untouched by humans, the industry has alot of issues with regulation and conservation. Ecotourism by definition hopes to in case conservation and cultural awareness but has been corrupted by business ideals and profit margins. Another article was on the subject of invasive species, invasive species are a species alien to a specific region that are dropped in by any number of ways and destroy that reefs ecosystem. This article ties directly to our class in that we will be helping remove the invasive species tigerfish in the BVI. The third article was concerned with oil spills in the Netherlands and their affect on birds, the article talked about chronic spills vs. instantaneous spills. Although we hear more about an instantaneous spill on the news, chronic spills are a bigger concern in that they are always leaking and always getting worse. The last article we heard about was about artificial reefs and their success dating back to even the 1970’s when they started using cement tires as reef foundation. Studies show these artificial reefs carry as much if not more marine life than natural reefs.