Super Stingray


Among the amazing and abundant animals that inhibit the BVI, the southern stingray surpasses all other forms of marine life in grace and maneuverability. The southern stingray has a diamond shaped body and dwells on the bottom of the sea, often times relying on sand to camouflage and avoid predators. Among the most recognized features of the stingray is its tail, which includes the poisonous spike. It has winglike fins that let it glide along the bottom of the ocean.

The stingray lives in the Caribbean and south into the Brazilian shoreline. It’s diet consists of and crustaceans. While the stingray is not usually hostile to humans, it will defend itself if threatened. Stingrays can give birth up to 10 pups at a time and have as little as 1. 79 in is the maximum size of the southern stingray, maxing its weight up to 214lbs. They usually are grayish in color.


Francis Rey Hipolito Out.