Blog Post Day 1


Today I arrived in the Cayman Islands and went snorkeling off the shore. I was surprised at the abundance of marine life 100ft off the shore. I saw so many of fan and brain coral, which was really majestic because of the faint purple color and almost all of them were living. There were also a ton of sea urchins, some being completely massive while others smaller with a red center. I also saw a long strand of elk horn coral which is a really good thing because the population of elk horn coral is low. The coolest and most interesting fish I saw were: a barracuda, reef squid, and a massive pufferfish. The barracuda was creepy because it stayed under the boat flowing with it almost completely blending in. The reef squid were also mesmerizing to look at because I have never seen one of them before so I was not quite sure if I was looking at a squid or a cuttlefish. Once I got back on land I reached the fish and realized I saw reef squid. Lastly was the pufferfish, a giant pufferfish, this fish was under a rock but came out for a brief second and it was about a foot and a half long. It looked like that straight out of a cartoon, big bulging eyes and long blockish body. Then while walking up to my room from the sunset there was a little moray eel in one of the rocks and that was interesting because I didn’t know morays would live even remotely close to sure. I saw some amazing species of fish today and I am really hoping to see more tomorrow.