Day 5


Today we went to NELHA again, to view their AC system. Then we visited two fish farms: Kampachi Farms LLC, and Abalone Big Island. Then we finally got to the most exciting part, the black water dive, which was everything I wanted it to be, it was so other worldly, and seeing things that we have never seen before, like squid, pyrosomes and siphonophores. It was absolutely amazing.

Three points:

The first thing I learned was about the AC in NELHA which is used from the cooling via deep sea water which allows it to cool the building, and then exhaust vents at the top of the building are used to send the hot air out. Secondly I learned at Kampachi Farms LLC about how the big the fish can grow to be and that some surpass sizes so they can no longer be harvested, and thus are donated to aquariums. Lastly, I learned about pelagic life and how the fish that come up are usually less than an inch long, like siphonophores and pyrosomes, and I also learned about bioluminescence being used as a defensive mechanism.

What I’m looking forward to?

I am so excited for Maunakea, I cannot wait to be at the highest point in Hawaii, and to see the beautiful stars and view the natural beauty of the islands of Hawaii. I also am told we can see Kilauea erupting so that is also fairly exciting.