Day 6: White Sand Black Sand


We started today off at our service opportunity on the beach. The service consisted of picking up trash, clearing out sand from a red shrimp pond, and building sand castles with that sand. My group decided to build a whale shark named fluffy out of the sand we collected. Our castle got third place and I won a metal water bottle from our “victory”.

After the service opportunity, we began our drive towards the valley. Mr. Andrew and Doc tried to scare us by saying the hike was 13 miles long when, in actuality the hike was 1.5 miles long. When we made it down we were greeted by a beautiful black sand beach and a forest stretching along the coastline.

While exploring the valley, we saw many different plants and even a rope swing which we all went on.

On our way back to the house, we stopped at a pineapple stand where they were selling both gold and white pineapples. The white pineapple was the best pineapple I had ever tried. I also tried a smoothie with mango, strawberry, and Guava. The fruit was extremely fresh and tasted amazing.

Today was very relaxing and more calming than any other day of the trip… Except for the part where we hiked back up the mountain.