Hawaii Day 5


Today was our fifth day in Hawaii, and we got to go to several places. We began our day by sleeping in, waking up at around 8, and leaving the house at 9:15. We first went to NELHA, and the guide took us under the building to check out their cooling system, completely dependent on sea water. The building did not have a heating system, which meant that they could not control the temperature of the building so some days the building could be freezing, and other days it could be hot.

After that we went to see the fish farm, and got to see, touch, and taste several abalone, which was great. After learning all about the abalones, we got back to NELHA and ate the lunch that we packed.

After eating lunch we got to go to a submarine, which was awesome! We saw several different kinds of fish, including parrot fish, eels, and porcupine fish. This was my first time going on a submarine so it was a lot of fun, we even got to see a fish poop on our window, which makes up the sand of the ocean.

After that we went to swim in a freshwater cave, which was freezing cold. The cave was pretty cool in the inside, but there were a lot of rocks inside which could hurt you if you weren’t careful @nash. In the inside the roof of the cave got smaller, so we had to watch our heads on our while navigating through the cave. We decided to go to the beach afterwards, so we could warm up after the cold freshwater, and snorkeled nearby. We saw cool fish, such as bluefin trevally and a raccoon butterfly fish.