Hawaii Day 4


Today was our fourth day in Hawaii, and we went manta diving! We began our day by going on a zodiac tour. The zodiac boat is really fast, reaching 300 horsepower, and we went to far off the coast into deep sea, where we saw a lot of animals. We first saw several short fin pilot whales, which were congregated in small groups. We saw about 3 different groups of short fin pilot whales, and took several pictures of them. While we were driving a boat we suddenly stopped, and we got to see a medium size Portuguese man-o-war jellyfish, which was awesome. Near the end we got to see cool lava formations on the mountains, and when we were going back to shore we got to see a tiger shark below us, which was great.

After that we did a snorkel with rest of the group which we all enjoyed, where we saw several trumpet fish, parrot fish, common long nose butterflyfish, etc. After that we got back home and rested and ate lunch for about 2 hours, and then we got back in the bus ready to do our manta ray dive.

Before the manta ray dive we did a normal dive, which we saw some eels, parrot fish, and other fish. After that dive we got back to the boat and we had a briefing of the manta rays, and learned a lot of fun facts about them. After that we finally got to dive and see the manta rays. We all sat in a small fireplace filled with lights, were the light would attract the phytoplankton which the manta rays eat. We had our lights pointing above our head so the manta rays could come eat the phytoplankton above our heads, and it seemed like they were going to eat us but they were just eating the phytoplankton. At first there was only 1 manta ray but halfway through the show another one joined the phytoplankton buffet. They did really cool flips above us, and we all had a greta time watching the manta ray show.