Captain’s Log 007: Briefing In Class


Two weeks have past since Marine Biology 2 began, and now we are around less than a month out from our expedition to the Hawaiian Islands. This new territory will be home to new variety of marine life, including Manta Rays and Tiger Sharks. Personally, I am most exited to see a Tiger Shark, but our hike up the Maunakea Volcano will be exciting as well. Viewing the stars in a perfect location will be breathtaking, and it’s one of the only locations in the world that you can see the North Star and Southern Cross at once. With the trip closing in fast, we must prepare ourselves. My past dive experience in the British Virgin Islands will allow me to feel confident in the water, even in the open ocean. Armed with our knowledge and hopes, we will journey to the colder waters of Kona to explore a new terrain of our ocean.